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Welcome to my blog...
Staying Soulfully Rooted

Vulnerability is the birthplace of Innovation, Creativity and Change...      Brené Brown 

Welcome to Staying Soulfully Rooted, a heartfelt, honest and at times raw blog where authenticity and truth flow. Staying Soulfully Rooted was born from the sudden loss of a very dear, gentle and unique soulmate, Dan, who entered my life briefly in 2019. Dan once told me that the key to true happiness and authenticity, was to Stay Rooted and to listen in silent reverence to the wisdom that calls out to you from your soul .

  Staying Soulfully Rooted is the gift Dan left me, and from here I hope to share with you my journey of self discovery and a life lived genuinely. 

I want to share with you my life experiences/lessons both good and bad, places, crafts, thoughts, books, ideas, walks and all manner of gems and truths, that will hopefully bring you pleasure, peace, and maybe the courage to follow your dreams to a place where you can learn to fully know and honour your boundaries and in so doing Stay Rooted in authenticity, happiness, and a life that makes you feel whole and is lived for

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About Me

Welcome, it is lovely to have you visit, 

I am Sarah, single, spiritual, still learning and evolving along this path called life. I am 'Nonna' (grandma) to the most wonderful granddaughter, Quinn, who is just the light of my life.  If that were not blessing enough, I am also mother to three beautiful and at times, challenging children aged 30, 27 and 25.  They are the most amazing souls in their own way and I would not be without them. I love them unconditionally, but I suspect as a Mum, I am not alone in these feelings or belief. 


I am an ex nurse who now runs my own business, an intimate rustic country wedding venue, The Cow Shed Weddings, from my farmhouse in Cornwall. I am a vegetarian, star sign Libra and very much a heart over head person. I have had my share of ups and quite a few downs in life, but I try to keep going and moving forwards in a positive way.  I am a follower of Brené Brown, Glennon Doyle and all things spiritual and healing.  I firmly believe that LOVE is, the key to everything, and that vulnerability and authenticity are intrinsically linked.. Since my children left home, I have been searching for a more meaningful way of existing on this beautiful planet, that will nourish not only myself, but also those around me and the earth itself. 


I am enjoying podcasts right now (a gift during the recent pandemic) not least of all, Building Sustainability  Breakfast and Beyond  and The Hairy Bikers Agony Uncles.  I  love music of all kinds and dancing freely with my inner child around my kitchen in liberated abandonment.  Christmas is my most cosy season, but Spring is my most healing season, when I regenerate and regroup... Reading is where I go to find myself and being creative is in my blood, so I am always crafting in one form or another.  Oh, and I have in the last 10 years found out that I love the freedom of thought and inner reflection, that being a pillion on a motorbike offers me...


I live alone, quietly on the most exquisite Cornish Peninsula, nestled behind the coast road, in a leafy lane with fields all around, with my two Italian Spinoni, Flo and Olive and their partner in crime, Rafferty, plus two gorgeous cats called, Molly and Noah, and Curly my three year old Kune Kune Pig.  


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