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  • Staying Soulfully Rooted

Finding Space to Reconnect...

Finding Space To Reconnect…


Have you ever asked yourself what’s holding you hostage from living a life that is authentic and nourishing?

Recent years have brought soulful reflection to many people's lives, offering a unique gift of time; time to change what is not healing for us,  to reconnect with ‘self’ and go within to seek answers from our souls. "What do I want to do with my life? What makes me happy and what is stopping me from doing it?"

I have realised that I have thus far spent this precious gift of life in a trance, believing I have to dutifully serve and nourish others, work hard to keep a roof over my head and my family safe, earn lots of money to do this and pay a myriad of bills.  It’s made me very unhappy and kept me stuck in situations that were toxic, harmful and suffocating.  

Truth is, I’m not everyone else, I don't subscribe to the routines or the belief that I have to, ‘tick boxes’ to succeed or be worthy.  I believe life is for living wholeheartedly in our own unique way.  

Working to meet societal expectations and goals often precludes us from living the life we truly seek, and the freedom to enrich each day with all manner of wholesome experiences. Spontaneity becomes the casualty of routine and necessity! Having a beautiful house and trying to keep it running IS the trap! It keeps us in one place, not free to roam or reconnect with nature, leaving us too tired to immerse ourselves in simple pleasures or the people we love.

‘Money Matters’ seems to be the meme upon which we’ve been raised, rather than being guided by and honouring our divine rhythm. ‘Things’ are our trophies. Lip service is paid to phrases such as "do what makes you happy." But when we try to, policies restrict our choices and freedom or our right to roam and live gently on this land. Instead, we have to pay for this right, albeit none of us own the planet. We can’t opt out and live simply. Once again it all comes back to money and being programmed from the moment we are born to fit in and not challenge the status quo!

I believe that to Stay Rooted we need to stand out from the crowd, break with routine and dance to the song of our soul by seeking courage and safety in our own knowing, and making our home inside ourselves, taking it with us wherever we go.  Instead of following the path, we have to become it. Change happens when we free ourselves from the beliefs and expectations of others that keep us small, marooned, empty and forever wanting. Like our ancient ancestors, the trees, those aged wise centurions who bury their roots deep into the earth, grounding themselves in their truth; we too are, now more than ever, being instinctively called to do the same. To be true to ourselves and embody our authenticity. The call is strong, but we have ceased to listen, deafened by toxic interference along the way.

Living life, freely, simply, authentically and uniquely is what we are inherently drawn to do as children, sadly over time we lose sight of this and get swallowed up by numbing soulless routines. But we can't all live the same. A Life lived authentically appears differently for each one of us. 

So, I invite you to let go of the things that are trapping you, the memes and routines, and instead, embrace vulnerability and allow courage, change and creativity to guide your soul. Live a meaningful life, YOUR way.

Sometimes, when searching for connection deep within, you need to follow your heart, even if it tells you to let go of everything that you believe offers safety for or defines you. 

My dear friend, trust your heart, it knows you so well. Find peace in what you love, cease to follow; seek your own purpose here.   Fill your life with a surfeit of nourishing moments that make you smile wholeheartedly and feel truly happy and free, but also connected to everything and everyone.  As Rumi said, "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”

What is your heart calling you to do? What do you love doing above all else? Why aren't you doing it?  

Let go of the fear sweet one, and take that first step... Your true self is waiting for you amongst the stars, in a life that has for so long been decorating your dreams.

“You have the power to craft masterpieces with only your imagination” (Whitney Hanson)

So…What are you waiting for my love…?

Sarah Weeks

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