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About Me

Hello and welcome to my Blog

I am  Sarah, I moved to Cornwall in 2007 with my husband at the time and our family, to live in a  gorgeous old farmhouse that I have rented now for over 16 years.  As you get to know me more through my writing and blog posts, you will realise that I am a firm believer in us all having a higher self  guiding us towards our true purpose, and that everything that happens in our lives is not without meaning or direction.  This being the case, I can tell you that I was destined to live in Cornwall, but more than that, I was absolutely meant to live in my now very much beloved farmhouse.  I will explain why in more detail in a future post, but suffice to say, every time I got the details to this farmhouse before we moved here, I discarded them and felt I didn’t want to view it, until one day my husband arranged to view, “the only farmhouse left in Cornwall” as the agent described it, and low and behold, when we pulled into the courtyard my heart sank, as it was the very house I had been rejecting for all those months… I followed the agent inside with a heavy heart, trying to hide my despondency.  However,  the moment I stepped foot over the threshold, I felt it!  That feeling deep inside me when everything aligns and I know without doubt that all things are as they should be.  I knew with all my heart and soul that I had finally ‘come home’.    The Farmhouse chose me, it was determined that I should live here.  My higher self and the universe had, and still does have plans afoot for me, and this farmhouse was and is a fundamental part of them, and I relish finding out what those plans are….


 I am at that point in my life where I believe I have woken up!   Now some might call that a 'mid-life crisis,' but I feel it is a place where we begin to ask of ourselves and the universe, these three very important questions:-


Is this really all there is, isn’t there more to life than this ?  

What is my purpose here?

How do I live my most authentic life ? 

I have in recent years found  that I very much enjoy listening to podcasts as I go about my day, they have a sense of making one feel as if you are surrounded by your  best friends, in a cosy space chatting over  various topics, whilst sipping a cup of tea or a decadently dark roasted Peruvian blended mug of coffee. 


I have also developed a relentless desire to become more mindful in the way in which I live my life, not just in relation to my body and my day to day existence, but also in the way in which I impact upon this land, so sustainability, organically homegrown foods, and simpler ways of living are becoming areas of growth for me.  I am eager to learn more about these and to play a part in bringing them to the forefront of peoples lives in any way that I possibly can.   I don't profess to be a full on eco warrior or fully fledged  campaigner or activist, but I am trying to make a difference, and illicit change in the world one small step at a time, by changing my own habits and living life consciously, with my eyes wide open and a keen desire to become more aware of the impact I have upon waste, greenhouse gases,  emissions etc. from my little patch on the planet.


I am a Nonna (grandmother) to the most wonderful Quinn, she is 3 years old and just the light of my life.  If that were not blessing enough, I am also mother of three wonderful, beautiful and at times, heart-rending children aged 30, 27 and 25, they are the most amazing souls and I would not be without them, they are my world and my passion.  I love them beyond all words and imagination, but I suspect as a Mum, I am not alone in these feelings or belief. 


I am an ex nurse and 'almost' midwife who now runs an intimate rustic country wedding venue The Cow Shed Weddings, and Wedding Planner and stylist business from my farmhouse in Cornwall. I am a vegetarian, star sign Libra and very much a heart over head person. I live with my two Italian Spinoni, Flo and Olive and their partner in crime, Rafferty, plus two gorgeous cats called, Molly and Noah and Curly my three year year old Kune Kune Pig.


I love all things creative, cooking and design, be it interiors or otherwise, and really adore making all manner of things for the home with my sewing and craft skills.  Over the years people have repeatedly told me that I have an aptitude for writing which is lovely to hear , especially as find it so therapeutic and relaxing to do. 


I adore lifestyle books, and all manner of soulful magazines that encourage self reflection and mindfulness or that bring together a collection of uncomplicated and often unlikely bed fellows in such a way as to bring forth harmony in their juxtaposition. 

Country Living Magazine is my one vice (well actually I believe I may have a few more than just one) and I realised a life long dream of actually being featured in one of their issues in August 2018. These magazines are a little bit of heaven for me.  I believe strongly in the soul being that divine part of us that is our authentic self and that we really benefit from listening to it and letting it guide us.

I used to be a dancer when I was younger, ballet mainly and really enjoyed that. I cry at movies, especially where the girl gets her man, I adore everything to do with Christmas and decorating the home, having family close, playing games, Easter Egg hunts, chatting around camp fires and laughing with them. I fully endorse and recommend being spontaneous but am disappointed to report that I rarely get the opportunity to indulge this part of me of late.  I think we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that love really does need to be at the heart of everything that we say, do and feel, albeit, I recognise that it is easier to say than do at times.


I relish meeting people and have recently developed a love of travel, having never set foot on a plane before 2011.  My ultimate ambition is to visit Australia one day to stay with my dear friends.  However, with my dislike of flying, that is going to take some serious meditation and counselling to get me there.  I cherish cooking and eating good food, I especially like to see food beautifully presented, to me it is art on a plate, and I seek to do this at my venue. I would really love to learn how to present and cook food for fine dining.   


I think my motto or rather mantra for life would be, "Enjoy every day, no regrets only lessons learned, follow your heart and radiate love, leave light wherever you go and see beauty in the smallest of things, and never be too scared to reach your potential, oh and remember to love yourself to the moon and back!"


Wayne Dyer has a lovely line which I aspire to place into my life, that being, ' Have a mind that is open to everything, but attached to nothing.'  I have read it for ages now, but the enormity of the words within the sentence have never quite connected fully deep within me.  I think now they are starting to break through and touch my soul ever so tenderly and tentatively...I believe that I am ready to receive the true message and all that lies within in my soul now and allow it to lay a path of new beginnings and possibilities for my feet to venture forth upon.


My Blog is an invitation for you to be my companion along the way, and hopefully we may become cherished friends as we journey and grow together….


In peace, love and light,


Sarah xxx

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