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Life Force Energy Healing 

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What is Reiki...?

Reiki is a Japanese technique That Nurtures Healing by focusing on reducing the stress and Anxieties in our lives in such a way as to foster relaxation which in turn enables healing.  I work intuitively from the heart spiritually Channelling Reiki energy to flow through me from a place of love and divine wisdom. I will often  feel called to lay my hands on my clients as I am guided by the precious Reiki premiss that the unseen "life force energy" that flows through us is what nourishes our existence and that touch can be a powerful conduit in the strength and sustenance of this force.

 our "life force energy" Much like the tide ebbs and flows , often at times of trauma and stress, it will be AFFECTED, this is when we are more susceptible  to illness, burnout or low mood. When we are more grounded and feeling more at peace with our lives  it is more likely to be high, leading us to feel happier and healthier.

The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words - Rei meaning "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki meaning "life force energy". Together they form reiki meaning "spiritually guided life force energy."

Burning Incense

What Can You expect During your session 

Our session will usually last for 1 hour

During this time you will be invited to lie fully clothed on my warm comfortable therapy couch, with the option of cosy blankets to keep you warm and a Lavender filled eye pillow to bring that added sense of peace and relaxation to your mind and body. 


I like to have relaxing essential oils infusing the air

with candles and soft music to evoke a calm, safe space for you to relax and unwind in.

I will once you are settled and comfortable spend my time moving through the 7 energy centres or Chakras that reside within your energetic body, my aim  being to use reiki energy to help ease or release any energy tangles that may have built up and are restricting a clear unhindered flow of energy through the body by either a 'hands-on'  as well as hands above the body approach.  

I am available to offer sessions either remotely or in your home.

however, there will be a charge for my fuel in this instance. 


What Will it Cost...?

£55.00 for an Hour. 

​For Sessions in your own home, there is a £15 fuel charge on top of the cost of the session.

To Book

Call 07814601630



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