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  • Writer's pictureStaying Soulfully Rooted

It's always worth sifting through the boxes at Craft Fayres...

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

I stumbled upon a now dearly treasured find...

It was on a cold damp November morning in 2014 snuggly wrapped in my favourite woolly winter wear, that I headed off with embers of childlike anticipation glowing within me, to what has now fondly become one of my 'must have' annual festive treats, Cowslip Workshop Christmas Fayre at Launceston, nestled deep in the Cornish countryside.... But little did I know that this time, waiting there for me, hidden away beneath a pile of second hand books was, what I now covert and cherish as one of my hearts most treasured possessions, a copy of what must surely be the most gorgeously nourishing book in a creative soul's universe...'a life less ordinary'.

It is for me a reverent act of love and devotion, which demands nothing less than complete peace and solitude each time I settle to open and respectfully turn the pages of this exquisite book. With its endless gifts unfolding on each and every page; far more a work of art than a book, for me it is divine poetry that flows forth from each line, each inspirational photograph; reaching deep within and touching my soul, every fibre of my being is taken on a journey of sheer harmony, enrichment and perfection...arriving uplifted, unhindered and unimaginably contented. An almost spiritual connection of all things beautiful collides within me and all at once, everything is right with the world, well my world at any rate.

I cannot begin to tell you how much this book and all that lies therein, is purely and simply a divine gift in a world of confusion and is the centre pin that draws me home, that extols a sermon of peace, a harmonious union of love and kinship, where all who enter feel a rejuvenating, nourishing, celestial born rhythm and energy dancing through their souls, leading them effortlessly to a place of authenticity deep within, which burns brilliantly with the glorious light of ones higher being. Each page elicits warm whispers of approval and desire that linger on the lips only to alight on sweetly scented breath seconds later, of dreams and desires that drift seductively around the chambers of the mind.

The most unlikely of bed fellows come together to form a seductively, sympathetic synergy of creativity, love, and exquisite care and attention to detail; beauty found within the smallest and rudimentary of things, harmony that a collection of utilitarian everyday simplicity sparks, juxtaposition of shade and light, of linen and leaves, of lives once lived and rebirth, abound between these pages, and the story of a friendship so gently nurtured and nourished. A moment spent lost within this world yields immeasurable pleasures and joy that my soul yearns for and covets most dearly.

So, from one seasonal and very special annual treat I was afforded the most divine gift, one which I will forever be grateful for, my desert island companion, my heart's desire, my inner peace, my soul's whisper, my ever fixed gaze on a life worth living, a reassurance in humility, and a certain promise that harmony, love and unity can, and do, all exist within each one of us, and that all we need do is find that special, unique and precious key that unlocks them, bidding them to flow freely interwoven throughout our relationships, souls and lives, reaching out to others offering kinship, divinity and wholeness. My key I found quite by chance in November 2014, hidden deep beneath a cardboard box in a festively bedecked chilly barn in Cornwall.......'a life less ordinary'

Thank you with all my heart, to Zoe Ellison and Alex Legendre, for your book and your gift to women like myself, who find such a beautiful object as this so Inspirational, freeing and uplifting. It is clear to see and feel your love and passion for what you have done, and still do, it oozes from every page and word and long may it continue...

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